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How do I stretch a background image?

If you want the background image to stretch to fit the entire element, you can set the background-size property to 100% 100%: Try resizing the browser window, and you will see that the image will stretch, but always cover the entire element.

How do I use background-size & cover?

You can use background-size: cover to scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area. Using this option will ensure that the image doesn't get stretched out of proportion.

How to make a picture fit a screen?

Zero out any positioning, ie sets image to start at the top most left corner. We set position to fixed in order remove the element from the normal document flow. Set image location. You should change it your respective folder. We set background to cover which will make the image fit the screen. Lastly, we center the image.

How do I resize a background image in CSS?

The background-size CSS property lets you resize the background image of an element, overriding the default behavior of tiling the image at its full size by specifying the width and/or height of the image. By doing so, you can scale the image upward or downward as desired. Let's consider a large image, a 2982x2808 Firefox logo image.

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